au naturel! lets replace caramel...
The demand for clean label colouring agents has risen greatly over the recent years as consumers become more and more conscious of what they are consuming. As a global leader in both innovation and clean label ingredients we are able to offer the world the alternative natural colouring agent for both E150 and malt extract.
Herbarom™ is a unique ingredient that offers natural colouring for both food and beverage products.
The intense brown colour Herbarom™ offers is due to its natural content of polyphenols which are a highly abundant micronutrient with anti-oxidative properties and play a an important role in reducing the progression of diabetes, cancer, and neurodegenerative and cardiovascular disease.
We are able to standardise the levels of polyphenols in our range of Herbarom™ products to cater for the varying colour and sweeteness needs of our customers.
• liquid apple extract
• fruity flavour
• colour spectrum from light gold to deep brown depending on the dosage
• differing colour intensities
• pH-value approx. 4.0
• density ca. 1.3 g/ml
• sugar content:
• Herbarom ® AF 03, AF 06 and AF 12 approx. 40 %
• Sugar reduced type Herbarom ® AF 24 SR approx. 2 %
• sugar reduced type as powder and liquid available
• declaration as “apple extract” „colouring apple extract“
beverages & basics for beverages
bread & other baked goods sauces
gourmet foods & vinegar • meat substitutes
meat & meat products
marinades & coatings
cereals & extruded goods
cakes, gingerbread & shortbread
and many more…