Vegan Mayonnaise

Working closely with our partner Herbafood, we have investigated the use of citrus fibre in vegan emulsions.
The use of citrus fibre allows us to achieve many benefits such as:
Fat reduction
Salt reduction
Sugar reduction
Removal of starch and gums
Improved flavour release
Recipe cost savings
We begin suspending the citrus fibre in water under high shear, this gives the product a fat like texture great for achieving all of the above.
of theThe removal of starch and gum from the recipe, then being replaced with a Citrus Fibre:Water (2:98) suspension improves the overall mouthfeel emulsion making it less laggy on the pallet enabling us to reduce the seasoning.
I wanted to create a vegan mayonnaise using Citrus fibre, the recipe below works brilliantly and only has 50% fat content thanks to the ability to emulsify using citrus fibre.

13 g Herbacel AQ Plus Citrus
500 g Oil
374 g Water
50 g Vinegar (5 % acid)
33 g Sugar
20 g Mustard
10 g Salt
x g Spice / Flavour
A) Suspend Herbacel AQ Plus Citrus in water (= 3.4 %).
B) Shear AQ Plus Suspension (A) at high speed until viscosity has increased using a dispersion machine.
C) Slowly add oil and continue to disperse at maximum speed.
D) Add sugar while mixing.
E) Add vinegar phase (vinegar, mustard and salt) while mixing.
F) Dispersed at maximum speed or homogenise at 150 - 250 bar.
G) Pasteurize (if needed) and fill into jars or bottles.
The principals of citrus fibre in a vegan mayonnaise directly translate to all sauces, if you want to reduce fat, sugar, salt, seasoning gives a call and we can get you started.